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Family of Gerrit^4 Van Wicklen 

Gerrit^4 Van Wicklen (Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), bap. 13 May 1733, Jamaica, NY

Married: (1) Maria Duryee, 15 December 1757
(2) Phebe (Femmetie) Covert, 22 July 1762

(by first wife) 

1. Antje^5 (Ann) Van Wicklen, b. bet. 1757 and 1762
(by second wife) 

2. Maria^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt. 1762
3. Gerrit^5 Van Wicken, Jr., b. 1763, Flatlands, NY
4. Tunis^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1766, Jamaica, NY
5. Evert^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1767, Jamaica, NY
6. Derick^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1774, Newtown, NY
7. Johannes^5 (John) Van Wicklen, b. 1776, Newtown, NY

Gerrit's parents are Evert and Elizabeth (Van Liew) Van Wicklen
Maria's (first wife) parents are Joost and Antie (Terhune) Duryee
Phebe's (2nd wife) parents are Tunis and Marregrita Covert

Background information:

Gerrit^4 Van Wicklen
(Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was bap. 13 May 1733 (Jamaica, NY; sp. by Jooseph Van Kleef and Aeltie (Van Liew) Dorlant. Gerrit^4 died between 31 October 1803 and 31 January 1806, the dates of his will. He married twice. He married his first wife, Maria Duryee on 15 December 1757. Maria is the daughter of Joost and Antie (Terhune) Duryee, bap. 9 Nov. 1740, Jamaica. He married his second wife on 22 July 1762, Phebe Covert. Phebe is the daughter of Tunis and Marregrita Covert, bap. (as Femmetie) 16 November 1735. Tunis is the son of Hans Teunice (Johann) Covert and Jannitze (Jeanne) Brokaw. Phebe's brother, Walter Covert reared an Evert Van Wyckle in his household, and this Evert is presumed to be the illegitimate son of Walter's daughter Lena and Gerrit^4 Van Wicklen's nephew Evert^5 (son of Frederick^4). (See Harry Macy reference below, p. 248) According to Frederick Miller Van Wicklen (see source below) Gerrit contributed to Fanning's Corp in 1777 and he held pew #14 in the First Reformed Dutch Church of Jamaica in 1785. The census of 1800 lists him as head of a family including three males, one female, one free servant, and three slaves. His will is dated 31 October 1803 and was proved 31 January 1806. He was survived by his wife Phebe, and children: Garret, Tunis, Evert, Derrick, Johannes, and one daughter (unnamed).

Children: (by first wife) Antje^5 (Ann) Van Wicklen, b. bet. 1757 and 1762; (by second wife) Maria^5 Van Wicklen, b. abt. 1762. She m. Steven Ryder and she d. 1794; Gerrit^5 Van Wicken, b. 1763 and bap 7 August 1763, Flatlands. He m. Gertie Lott. He died 31 October 1830; Tunis^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1766 and bap. 16 February 1766, Jamaica RDC. He m. Maria Smith; Evert^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1767 and bap. 4 December 1767, Jamaica RDC. He probably did not marry and died abt 1830/1;

Derick^5 Van Wicklen, b. 1774 and bap 17 August 1774 in Newtown RDC. He married Magdelene Guest; and Johannes^5 
(John) Van Wicklen, b. 1776. He married Sarah Van Arsdale (alias Simonson). He died 1884/5.

According to Harry Macy, Jr. "On the 1784 Jamaica tax list Gerrit was assessed for 600 pounds real estate, 50 pounds personal." (Macy, p. 247) He made his will in 1803, naming wife Femmetie, and children (except for Maria). Widow Phebe was a head of household in Jamaica, 1810.

From Judy Houston (email dated 17 October 2000): Flatlands RDC, Baptismal Records (spelled the way it is in the records) Frederik Van Wikelin (no wife named), son Garret, Aug 7, 1763, No witnesses Garrit Van Wikelin/Maria Duryea, dau Geertrit, Aug 7, 1763, No witnesses (Interesting that a daughter, Geertrit is recorded, yet a son Gerrit, Jr. is clearly listed above as the one baptised that day.)

From Cheryl Viger email (26 Nov 2001): New York City Wills, 1771-76 Page 384 ---In the name of God, Amen, I Jost Duryee, of Jamaica, in Queens County, miller, being sick. "I leave to Charity, my well beloved wife, all she brought to me of her own estate, in money or other things; also a negro girl, "Susan," during so long a time as she remains my widow, and then to be sold and the money paid to my children." All my real estate, houses, lands, and mills, are to be sold by my executors, and all the rest of my moveable estate. From teh proceeds I leave to my first-born son, Ruloff Duryee, ce5, for his birthright. To my granddaughter, Antie Van Wicklin, ce50. All the remainder I leave to my wife Charity and my sons, Rulof, John, Jacob, and Aaron, and my daughter Anne. I make my brothers, Abraham Duryee and Jacob Duryee, and my brother-in-law, Albert Turhuyn (Terhune), executors.


Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 246-8.

Frederick Miller Van Wicklen's 16 March 1937 application for membership in the Holland Society.

Harry Macy research notes on Gerrit^4 Van Wicklen 108-90 under Feb 67 Jamaica RDC records bp of Stoofel and Elesebt Ryder's son; says in space for sponsors "in her Jare 1771 4 day agust garrit van wicklen en sin vrou femmetie." Gritman-2718 will 31 October 1803/31 Jan 1806, QCo. B:310 wife Sawyer 1:84, wife F, dau Ann, 5 sons (=exrs) Femmetie and children Garret, Tunis, Evert, Derick, Johannes

1777 Sept 1 he subscribed to Fannings Corps (Loy.)

"Dierreck" of GVW and Femmetie Coevert bp Newtown Ag77 (Jamaica 74?) by Do. Boelen NYHSC 36:1 (L35:151) Tunis covert of Jamaica 1778 names dau Phebe wf Garret Van Wicklien leaves her L50 also a brown round-table

1784 GVW on Jamaica tax list R600 P50; 1788 R400 P50, along with GVW Jr.

Flds 7 Aug 1763 one record gives no more name, other says maria Duryee; Fredericks son bap same day (NYM 431, 15 December 1757 Garrit Van Vicklaer and Maria Duryee)

1776, 21 Ocrobet signed loyal petn (listed among some Jamaica inhabs) R!QC 126 
1775, Jan signed loyal petn
1777 0 contrib. to Fannings--

Harry Macy research notes for Evert^5 Van Wicklen...
QCo Wills (Evert^5 VW) G:58, 8-13-1830/1-10-1831 names (only?) "my brother John Van Wicklen's son Johannes." (Sawyer 3:22 confirms this is only heir named--executor was brother John.

Probably the Evert who Feb 14, 1820 was one of 4 Jamaica men appointed to a committee to support Dewitt Clinton for Governor (HO, QCOT, 1865, p. 103)

Q Deeds 2-287 1 April 1830...Evert Van Wicklen (signs) Jamaica to Derrick VW same, for $2,250...farm at Jamaica South - 50A--West by newtown levy so called; North by John Hulst, East by Peter Winson, south by levy and Nathaniel Remsen and heirs of Paul Remsen "the old highway included in lieu of the new highway where the old highway formerly was till the burying ground which was given to the public." Also a piece of fresh medo and all his right in the Brooklyn meadow so called and more. No wife mentioned.

1763 Baptisms from Flatlands, one listing Gerrit and Maria (Duryee) V.Wikelen as parents. Sent to Judy Houston by Van Curren and forwarded to me via email, 28 October 2000.

Membership - Jamaica RDC - 16 October 1803 Garret Van Wickelen, Femetie Covert